Youth Services​ resources for libraries
Recommended resources
Who to contact:
Brown County Library provides Youth Services support for NFLS member libraries. Please direct questions to:
Additional resources
Local resources
State & local Youth Services resources
National Youth Services resources
State & local Youth Services resources
- Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction - Public Library Development - Youth Services
- Wisconsin Library Association (WLA) Youth Services Shout-Out: YSS Blog
- Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners focuses on collaboration among diverse early childhood partners and exists now as a 'braided' funding effort among three state agencies:
- Department of Public Instruction (DPI),
- Department of Children and Families (DCF) and
- Department of Health Services (DHS)
- Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) is a gathering place for youth literature & children's resources.
- PBS Wisconsin
- Children’s Wisconsin Triple P Online (Positive Parenting Program) is available for families across the state of Wisconsin FREE of charge! Click for a pdf flyer to hand out to families and caregivers at your library. Click for Triple P FAQs.
Positive parenting is simply an approach to parenting that gives parents and carers tools and strategies to raise their child in an environment that is safe, loving and predictable. Triple P’s positive parenting program allows each person doing the program to decide what is important to them. So it’s not telling you how to raise children, but giving you the confidence and skills to build good relationships, set boundaries and rules calmly and in ways that kids understand, and follow up with consequences that are not harmful.
National Youth Services resources
- Every Child a Reader "is an award-winning, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that celebrates the powerful impact books have on young people through some of the longest-running and largest reading outreach programs in the country."
- Children’s Book Week is the twice annual celebration of children’s books and reading. Established in 1919, it is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country, now celebrating its 102nd anniversary with over 2,000 participating schools, libraries and bookstores in all 50 states.
- The National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature program connects young people with a prominent book creator on a mission to spread the message that reading is a fun and important part of young people’s growth and happiness. Co-sponsored by the Library of Congress, since 2008 various National Ambassadors have worked to gives young people a voice and listen to their stories. The current ambassador is Jason Reynolds.
- Kids’ Book Choice Awards is the one national book award program where the winners are selected only by kids and teens. The awards give young people a chance to voice their choice each year about the books that resonate with them.
- Get Caught Reading is a year-round national classroom and library poster campaign featuring authors, athletes, artists and public figures ‘caught reading’ a favorite book.
- Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP)'s mission is to collaborate with libraries to create an inclusive literacy based program that is enjoyable for all ages, provide a reproducible program with a unified theme, share resources and offer professional support.
- Every Child Ready to Read @ your library® This updated and expanded 2nd edition of Every Child Ready To Read incorporates simple practices, based on research, to help parents and other caregivers develop early literacy skills in children from birth to age five.
- YALSA's TeenTober™ is a new, nationwide celebration hosted by libraries every October and aims to celebrate teens, promote year-round teen services and the innovative ways teen services helps teens learn new skills, and fuel their passions in and outside the library. TeenTober™ replaces YALSA’s previous Teen Read Week™ and Teen Tech Week™ celebrations, allowing libraries the flexibility to celebrate all types of literacies according to their library’s schedule. Library staff are encouraged to utilize this new celebration to advocate for and raise awareness of the importance of year-round teen services in libraries.