Library Director ResourcesBelow are a wide variety of resources for library directors and trustees regarding frequently asked questions and common issues.
Questions? |
Attending Library Legislative Day
Connie Meyers gives an introduction to attending Library Legislative Day. Connie discusses what to expect, shares tips, and conducts a mock conversation with a legislator. |
Library Legislative Day
Find more information on attending Library Legislative Day and advocating on behalf of your library here.
Find more information on attending Library Legislative Day and advocating on behalf of your library here.
Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Resources for Library Staff
WebJunction provides Staff Training and Support resources such as articles and training materials focus on issues that affect library staff and possible solutions.
WebJunction provides Staff Training and Support resources such as articles and training materials focus on issues that affect library staff and possible solutions.
Mental Health First Aid
Professional Development
Nicolet Lending Library
Nicolet has a variety of resources specifically to assist library directors or trustees in their roles. Contact Hannah Good Zima to borrow one of the items. |
Intellectual freedom resources
Wisconsin Library Association (WLA) Handouts
Wisconsin Library Association Intellectual Freedom Toolkit
The Intellectual Freedom Committee of the Wisconsin Library Association developed this toolkit as a way for community members, librarians and trustees to gain a deeper understanding of intellectual freedom as it relates to libraries in Wisconsin. The toolkit is intended to provide resources to help libraries and their communities navigate these issues while protecting the rights of individual readers.
The Intellectual Freedom Committee of the Wisconsin Library Association developed this toolkit as a way for community members, librarians and trustees to gain a deeper understanding of intellectual freedom as it relates to libraries in Wisconsin. The toolkit is intended to provide resources to help libraries and their communities navigate these issues while protecting the rights of individual readers.
literacy - Books, Digital and Informational
- Online digital literacy courses, created by PLA in collaboration with AT&T, are freely available to anyone through The DigitalLearn courses and training materials were developed with and for library staff and their patrons; are available in English and Spanish; and cover basic technology skills such as internet use, video conferencing, cybersecurity, mobile device basics, and ACP basics. More information can be found here.
- Free, short digital literacy courses developed through the INTERFACE project.
Be MediaWise Tooklit
In collaboration with The American Library Association (ALA) Be MediaWise: The Misinformation Resilience Toolkit for Libraries has launched! This collection of Open Educational Resources will help library workers across the country teach media literacy to audiences of all ages in the communities they serve. The toolkit contains a range of videos, interactive activities and premade slide decks that you can customize to your liking or use right out of the box to bring high quality media literacy education to your library or teaching institution. As we approach election season, we hope you find these resources helpful in educating and empowering your patrons.
In collaboration with The American Library Association (ALA) Be MediaWise: The Misinformation Resilience Toolkit for Libraries has launched! This collection of Open Educational Resources will help library workers across the country teach media literacy to audiences of all ages in the communities they serve. The toolkit contains a range of videos, interactive activities and premade slide decks that you can customize to your liking or use right out of the box to bring high quality media literacy education to your library or teaching institution. As we approach election season, we hope you find these resources helpful in educating and empowering your patrons.

MediaWise Toolkit Facilitators Guide |
Wisconsin first nations and supporting act 31
From the Tribal Library, Archives, & Museums (TLAM) course series at UW-Madison, Robin Amado, Katelyn Martens, & Jenny McBurney developed these lists to use for Indigenous book purchasing of K-12 books by age group & made a tiered purchasing plan for libraries & classrooms.
K-12 Wisconsin First Nations booklists by grade level:
Tiered Purchasing Plan for libraries & classrooms in support of Act 31:
Also there is a Facebook Group called “Wisconsin Librarians and Teachers Supporting Act 31” that Robin keeps updated & continues communications in this realm.
K-12 Wisconsin First Nations booklists by grade level:
- Grades K-2
- Grades 3-5
- Grades 6-8
- Grades 9-12
Tiered Purchasing Plan for libraries & classrooms in support of Act 31:
Also there is a Facebook Group called “Wisconsin Librarians and Teachers Supporting Act 31” that Robin keeps updated & continues communications in this realm.
Wisconsin First Nations Education
Explore a rich collection of educational videos, teacher professional development resources, lesson plans for all grades, and learning tools for your classroom and library at
Explore a rich collection of educational videos, teacher professional development resources, lesson plans for all grades, and learning tools for your classroom and library at
library building projects & facility management
Wisconsin Library Buildings & Spaces Project
A resource for Wisconsin public library directors, staff and trustees about library building and renovation projects. Find on-demand webinars and resources from professionals across the state, as well as a list of recently completed projects from Wisconsin libraries. Topics include renovation, space reconfiguration, new building projects, and more.
A resource for Wisconsin public library directors, staff and trustees about library building and renovation projects. Find on-demand webinars and resources from professionals across the state, as well as a list of recently completed projects from Wisconsin libraries. Topics include renovation, space reconfiguration, new building projects, and more.
Facility Management Resources
library management
Library Resilience Toolkit
In 2021, eleven mid-size Wisconsin public libraries formed the City Library Collective (CLC) to address common issues and use collective knowledge and experience to improve their organizations and services to their communities. The group was awarded an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant in order to collaboratively explore the concept of Libraries as Centers for Community Resiliency. The grant project combined highly collaborative activities with individual library pilot projects to develop shared processes for community data gathering and analysis, staff training, and the implementation of incubator projects that position the library as a community resiliency partner. These processes also serve as models for other CLC partners and libraries statewide. The goal is to help libraries and the communities they serve anticipate, withstand, adapt to, and recover from adversity — to be resilient. Leaning heavily on concepts and techniques of Whole Person Librarianship, the CLC focused on skilling-up librarians to address the psychosocial needs of their community patrons.
One of the main outcomes of the work is the development of a Library Resilience Toolkit. Available to all, this Toolkit provides an overview of social work concepts in the library, data and assessment strategies for evaluating impact, and practical resources, including job descriptions, press releases, and communication templates. Additionally, the toolkit shares resources and lessons learned from the various local projects implemented at several of the CLC libraries.
In 2021, eleven mid-size Wisconsin public libraries formed the City Library Collective (CLC) to address common issues and use collective knowledge and experience to improve their organizations and services to their communities. The group was awarded an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant in order to collaboratively explore the concept of Libraries as Centers for Community Resiliency. The grant project combined highly collaborative activities with individual library pilot projects to develop shared processes for community data gathering and analysis, staff training, and the implementation of incubator projects that position the library as a community resiliency partner. These processes also serve as models for other CLC partners and libraries statewide. The goal is to help libraries and the communities they serve anticipate, withstand, adapt to, and recover from adversity — to be resilient. Leaning heavily on concepts and techniques of Whole Person Librarianship, the CLC focused on skilling-up librarians to address the psychosocial needs of their community patrons.
One of the main outcomes of the work is the development of a Library Resilience Toolkit. Available to all, this Toolkit provides an overview of social work concepts in the library, data and assessment strategies for evaluating impact, and practical resources, including job descriptions, press releases, and communication templates. Additionally, the toolkit shares resources and lessons learned from the various local projects implemented at several of the CLC libraries.
Library Director's Playbook
Use the Playbook as a template to keep yourself, staff, and successor organized regarding daily operations of your library, planning for crises, and anticipating transitions in your library. ![]()
Staff Onboarding
Creating a Plan for New Employee Success
Creating a Plan for New Employee Success
Libraries Build Business Communications Toolkit
To help library workers communicate the value of and grow their small business services, the American Library Association’s Public Policy & Advocacy office (PPA), in partnership with Audrey Barbakoff from Co/lab Capacity, has created the Libraries Build Business Communications Toolkit. The toolkit offers advice and materials for library workers to promote their small business support services, engage with policymakers and government officials, and form and strengthen ties with local businesses and existing entrepreneur support structures.
To help library workers communicate the value of and grow their small business services, the American Library Association’s Public Policy & Advocacy office (PPA), in partnership with Audrey Barbakoff from Co/lab Capacity, has created the Libraries Build Business Communications Toolkit. The toolkit offers advice and materials for library workers to promote their small business support services, engage with policymakers and government officials, and form and strengthen ties with local businesses and existing entrepreneur support structures.
Library Security
Library Security
Al Hughes, Security Officer with Brown County Library, discusses a wide-variety of library safety issues involving patrons, staff and facilities. ![]()
Prohibiting Guns in the Library
Section 941.235 of the Wisconsin State Statutes prohibits any person from carrying a firearm in a public building, which includes state and local government buildings (libraries included.) However, 2011 Act 35 allows individuals to carry concealed weapons under certain conditions. But, state and local units of government and their subunits (including libraries) are allowed to post notice in their buildings prohibiting an individual from entering with a concealed weapon. Individuals violating the prohibition could be subject to a class B forfeiture (an amount up to $1,000).
Proper Notice: Signs notifying visitors of the weapons ban must be posted in a prominent place near all entrances to the building or parts of the building where the restriction applies. Signs must be at least 5 inches by 7 inches and must be posted so that individuals entering the building "can be reasonably expected to see the sign."
Section 941.235 of the Wisconsin State Statutes prohibits any person from carrying a firearm in a public building, which includes state and local government buildings (libraries included.) However, 2011 Act 35 allows individuals to carry concealed weapons under certain conditions. But, state and local units of government and their subunits (including libraries) are allowed to post notice in their buildings prohibiting an individual from entering with a concealed weapon. Individuals violating the prohibition could be subject to a class B forfeiture (an amount up to $1,000).
Proper Notice: Signs notifying visitors of the weapons ban must be posted in a prominent place near all entrances to the building or parts of the building where the restriction applies. Signs must be at least 5 inches by 7 inches and must be posted so that individuals entering the building "can be reasonably expected to see the sign."
The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness
DPI has provided all libraries in Wisconsin with free access to Ryan Dowd's Homelessness Training for Librarians. Training modules also include topics such as Avoiding Burnout, De-escalation, Mental Illness, Policing in Libraries, responding to Prejudicial Comments, Service Animals, Sexual Harassment, and more.
Register for an account at If you have trouble registering for an account, please contact Angela Schneider.
If you'd like to be added to Dowd's system to receive the webinar links directly to your inbox, sign up using this link:
DPI has provided all libraries in Wisconsin with free access to Ryan Dowd's Homelessness Training for Librarians. Training modules also include topics such as Avoiding Burnout, De-escalation, Mental Illness, Policing in Libraries, responding to Prejudicial Comments, Service Animals, Sexual Harassment, and more.
Register for an account at If you have trouble registering for an account, please contact Angela Schneider.
If you'd like to be added to Dowd's system to receive the webinar links directly to your inbox, sign up using this link:
Library Policies
Policy Development with the Library Board
The document provides library directors with the steps involved in identifying, drafting and adopting new policies. Sample policy templates are also included for use by Wisconsin libraries. |
Library Friends Groups and Foundations
Tax-Free Donations FAQs
Donations to Libraries, Local Government Tax Status and 501(c)3 Organizations |
Library Foundation Guide
Provides information regarding the differences between Friends Groups and Foundations, the benefits of a Foundation, and guidance on how to establish a Foundation. |
External Grants
Record Retention
For more information regarding record retention and adoption of the records schedule, visit DPI's legal resources.
Hotspot Playbook
This resource was developed to help libraries establish and promote hotspot lending programs.
This resource was developed to help libraries establish and promote hotspot lending programs.
reentry resources
Individuals reentering the community from jail or prison may come to your library facing many unique challenges that impact their ability to make a smooth and effective transition into society. Below are online resources and programs you can point to that can help them navigate the reentry journey in areas that impact them the most: housing, employment, education, healthcare and legal barriers.
Reentry Resources Webinar, Slides & Handouts
1. Reentry Ready Resources (UW-Extension)
2. Legal Tune-up Tool (Lift Wisconsin)
3. Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)
Reentry Resources Webinar, Slides & Handouts
1. Reentry Ready Resources (UW-Extension)
2. Legal Tune-up Tool (Lift Wisconsin)
3. Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)