Gardening expert and author Melinda Myers is offering all Wisconsin Public Libraries FREE WEBINARS and Gardening Projects from April – June for patrons of your libraries. Below is the necessary webinar registration info and attached are the webinar graphics-- please feel free to use these to promote the webinars to your patrons. If you’d like to host the webinar at your library for your patrons to watch together, simply register your library (using the links below) and then promote your library's viewing party event. Your patrons’ gardening questions can be submitted for Melinda to answer live right after her presentations – simply submit the questions in the Zoom Q&A box during each webinar broadcast. Additionally, the 2024 WI Public Library Program Factsheet has information about the Free Gardening Activities, Videos, and Projects (and webinars) Melinda Myers will be providing for you to use and share with your patrons this spring and summer. The 2024 program info (webinar info & registration links, videos, activities, and downloadable projects will be available at: Beauty Outside Your Door - 2024 Library Program with Melinda Myers. April 10, 2024, 6:30 p.m. CT WEBINAR: Container Gardening Throughout the Year with gardening expert & author Melinda Myers Use container gardens to boost the color and seasonal interest in any size landscape, garden, balcony, or deck. With your budget in mind, we will explore attractive combinations of trees, shrubs, flowers, edible plants, and those that attract pollinators. Plus, you’ll learn strategies for extending your enjoyment year-round by transforming all or a portion of the container planting with the changing seasons. Register for this free webinar at
May 1, 2024, 6:30 p.m. CT WEBINAR: Ornamental Fruits and Vegetables with gardening expert & author Melinda Myers Increase the nutritional value and beauty of your landscape by incorporating attractive fruits and vegetables into your landscape, garden beds, and containers. Growing varieties that are both ornamental and productive increases the opportunities for creating a beautiful space right outside your door. We will look at new and proven fruit and vegetable varieties suited to both gardens and containers. Register for this free webinar at
June 5, 2024, 6:30 p.m. CT WEBINAR: Under-Appreciated Pollinators with gardening expert & author Melinda Myers The plight of honeybees and monarchs fills the news, but many more pollinators are often overlooked yet critical to the production of food, fiber, and other raw materials we depend upon. Native bees, moths, bats, beetles, flies, and birds are also important. We will look at a variety of pollinators, their role in the environment, and their impact on people. Plus, we will discuss ways to co-exist with these often overlooked and sometimes feared or dreaded animals. Register for this free webinar at
If you have any questions, please email Diana Paul, coordinator of this program at [email protected] or 414.758.7047. Comments are closed.
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