Magician Daniel Lusk here. Wow! What a time we are living in. I know that all of your worlds have been turned upside down like ours have. I also know that you all have been doing your best to continue to provide content to your patrons. THANK YOU!
We have been working hard to still provide the world with MAGIC! I hope you all got a chance to see and use our free Covid-19 safety video with Twinky the Rabbit and our magic tricks (below).
We have FINALIZED our new ONLINE SUMMER READING MAGIC SHOW PROGRAMS PACKAGE. We have worked very hard on making sure we are offering the best show and content you can provide to your patrons. We have spent many hours with librarians and other entertainers working out the best way to deliver content to libraries across the country this year. Here is a quick bullet point of what we discovered and what the best program would be . . .
We will not be doing any in person shows or live streams for libraries. Even though the live stream sounds like a good idea, there are way to many technical problems that can occur. (I believe we have all been part of a Zoom call or conference where someone cannot hear another person or the connection is not good. This is eliminated with the uploaded high quality show) ​Pricing
Contact Contact us with any questions you or your board may have. We are also taking reservations for shows now. You can reply to this email or call 317-213-4770. You can also see all of our information and testimonials from librarians at Just in case you don't know... Daniel Lusk is based in Indianapolis Indiana. He is an award winning magician that has also become the #1 most booked library magician in the state. He has been performing custom made Summer Reading Shows since 2011. In 2019, Daniel performed 130 shows during the summer. You can find out more about him and see what librarians say about Daniel on the official Website. Comments are closed.
Library program ideas & resourcesCATEGORIES
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