Shetan Noir is a cryptozoology researcher and has spent 25 years researching the Paranormal and Cryptozoology fields. Her fascination began with lake monsters at an early age when she first learned about the Loch Ness monster, then hearing reports of lake monsters in her own state of Michigan. Her research has since grown to include Michigan's own Dogman and Nain Rouge, Bigfoot and ghost hunting. Shetan Noir is currently the lead investigator for the Michigan chapter of the North American Dogman Project, and also runs the paranormal investigation team of Michigan center for unexplained events and phenomenon. She is available to do book signings for her two current books, Lake monsters and odd of the great lakes and Mothman and flying creatures of the midwest.
Shetan also offers presentations and lectures on the following:
These lectures, tailored at 45-90 minutes each, are ideal for museums, libraries, schools, historical societies, life-long learning programs. Presentation cost: $150.00 per program (unless otherwise noted) Expense reimbursement: 25 cents per mile, round trip from Brighton, MI Equipment requirement: LCD projector (Presentations are presented on Microsoft PowerPoint) If interested in any of the above presentations please contact shetan at [email protected] to inquire about her list of workshops. Learn more at Comments are closed.
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