A new message from the author:
Posted December 20, 2023:
I am the former Executive Director of the American Neurological Association and the Organization for Human Brain Mapping). Here is the cover and a bit more information about my personal memoir that will SOON be available to readers (PDF file). I was a former library employee in my small rural NW Wisconsin Library and would sincerely appreciate it if you would share this email and both attachments with the libraries in your system. I self published the book and used Ingram and Amazon to make it easily available to both libraries and individual readers worldwide. It is my prayer that it helps many through the trials and tribulations that dominate today's headlines. Thank you in advance for your willingness to spread my story. I can be reached at [email protected] or on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. I sincerely appreciate any help you can offer to share this book with as many people as possible. I'd cherish your honest book review as well as I consider library directors to be the most expert in the field of information sharing and service to the public. With warm regards, Lori J. Peterson" Comments are closed.
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