The information below comes from Joshua Stuck, Outdoor Skills Instructor (Crivitz, WI) Dear Librarians- Would you like a summer program that matches perfectly with this year's theme “Adventure Begins at the Library!?” Hi! My name is Joshua Stuck. I am a local Outdoor Skills Instructor (from Crivitz, WI) who has been teaching outdoor skills to kids for over 20 years. Would you be interested in a summer library youth program that gets kids excited about some of the most popular outdoor themed books like Call of the Wild, Sign of the Beaver, and Hatchet? Introducing… “Woodsy Dude’s Embrace the Outdoors Youth Programs” with Woodsy Dude! I've designed three separate library programs for three different age groups where I teach between 20-25 youth some of the outdoor skills featured in the world's best outdoor themed books. They'll learn how to make a Survival Shelter like in Hatchet, how to set a survival trap like Matt from Sign of the Beaver, how to tie Buck's # 1 Call of the Wild Rescue Knot, and so much more. They even get items during the course to start building their own outdoor survival kit.
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