DPI, in partnership with the Manitowoc-Calumet Library System, has renewed our subscription to the Ryan Dowd Guide to Homelessness customer service training program. Everyone’s progress will be saved in the new year and new people can be added the same way. Ryan Dowd, executive director of a large homeless shelter, trains libraries around the world on how to compassionately and effectively manage problematic behavior from troubled and traumatized individuals. Access training at https://my.nicheacademy.com/dpi-wi-staff. Supervisors & Department Heads: If someone on your staff does not have a work email address, please contact Joy Schwartz with their alternate email address and she’ll send them a personalized invitation. Below are the headlines from the November 25, 2020 - 📢 Nic News Weekly:
Online Collection Offers eBooks for Kids Brown County Library is pleased to announce the addition of TumbleBookLibrary to its digital resources. TumbleBookLibrary is an online collection of animated storybooks and eBooks for children. They are a great way to encourage kids to enjoy reading in a fun format. Families can access the TumbleBookLibrary from home. Use is unlimited and free! Visit browncountylibrary.org/kids to get started. Select from over 1400 titles for a variety of ages and reading levels. The site also features Spanish and French books, read-along chapter books, non-fiction books, graphic novels, National Geographic videos, and exciting games and puzzles. Access the collection using a computer, tablet, or mobile phone with an internet connection. There are no downloads - books are streamed right to the device at the click of a button. For other library information, visit browncountylibrary.org, or call 920-448-4400 to speak to a staff person. Below are the headlines from the November 20, 2020 - 📢 Nic News Weekly:
The NFLS News is a bi-monthly newsletter highlighting all the great things the member libraries of the Nicolet Federated Library System are doing throughout our communities.
Read the November 2020 NFLS News for the latest news from a few of our member libraries. Topics include:
The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) has today awarded Brown County Library a grant of $1,000 as part of the new East Asia in Wisconsin Library Program.
CEAS, a federally-funded National Resource Center for the study of East Asia, created the program to encourage Wisconsin libraries to augment their collections with East Asia-related materials, and to design new book clubs and other programing with an East Asian theme. This program is part of the center’s focus on promoting understanding of East Asian histories and cultures, and also aligns with the Wisconsin Idea mission of service to Wisconsin citizens beyond the boundaries of the classroom. CEAS partnered with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the Wisconsin Library Association, and the Cooperative Children’s Book Center to plan and promote the new program, which was launched in August. Brown County Library’s grant was one of 38 awarded to libraries across Wisconsin, totaling $32,765 is awards. The grants will be used to purchase books and films about China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and also to host book clubs, speakers and other related library programs. Friends of the Brown County Library Launch 32nd Annual Give-A-Kid-A-Book Campaign Virtually11/3/2020
Green Bay, WI – The Friends of the Brown County Library and honorary chair, Green Bay Packers wife Molly (Mason) Crosby, announce the launch of the 32nd annual Give-A-Kid-A-Book with a virtual twist.
The annual book collection invites individuals, families, businesses, churches, schools, clubs and organizations to donate new, unwrapped books that will be given as gifts to local children, babies through age 18, in low-income families. Books are distributed through the Salvation Army Christmas Assistance program in Green Bay just in time for the holidays. Give-A-Kid-A-Book kicks-off virtually the week of November 2 and runs through December 10 with social media posts on the Friends’ Give-A-Kid-A-Book (@GiveAKidABookBrownCounty) and Friends of the Brown County Library (@FoBCL) Facebook pages and www.browncountylibraryfriends.org/gakab. Posts feature many of the same elements of the in-person kick-off including a message from Meg, Deem, coordinator of Give-A-Kid-A-Book, Molly Crosby’s public service announcement, essays from elementary students at Fort Howard School, and recognition of major financial supporters - Nicolet National Bank, Brown County Community Women’s Club and Green Bay Packers Give Back. The Friends are making it easy to shop from where you are and in-person! Purchase books from the Friends’ Amazon Wish List; Lion’s Mouth Bookstore, 401 N. Washington Street in downtown Green Bay; and during the Book Fair at Barnes & Noble November 21-27 using code 12590972. Shoppers can ship books purchased online directly to the library or donated books can be dropped in collection boxes located at Nicolet National Banks in the greater Green Bay area and all Brown County Libraries through December 10. Financial donations are also accepted and will be used to purchase additional books. Checks should be made payable to “Friends of the Brown County Library: GAKAB,” and mailed to 515 Pine Street, Green Bay, WI 54301-5194. “This campaign has always been vital, but the urgency felt during pandemic times cannot be ignored. Let’s all make room this year to give more to the campaign than we ever have before. Pick the best books you possibly can ...because “kids who read, succeed!” --Molly Crosby, 2020 Contacts: Meg Deem, Give- A-Kid-A-Book Coordinator, [email protected] Sue Lagerman, Communications & Program Manager, Brown County Library, [email protected], 920-448-5806 |
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