Here are the headlines from the December 21, 2023 📢 Nic News Weekly:
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Subscribe to Newsletters from NFLS Please read the following end-of-year update from NFLS Inclusive Services Representative Emily RogersAs your NFLS Inclusive Services rep, I wanted to share an end of year update with all of you from the IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Action) Team. Wisconsin Libraries Talk about Race recently hosted a webinar titled Understanding and Challenging Implicit Bias in Decision Making. This training, conducted by Anne Phibbs from Strategic Diversity Initiatives, is archived on The IDEA’s website if you missed it. Knowing how busy things are at the end of the year, I wanted to share some highlights and resources from this talk that you can browse at your leisure. Unconscious or implicit bias is unintentional. It is the way we automatically react to situations and people without conscious thought. It shapes our judgements about how we conduct ourselves and how we treat others, often without us even knowing it. This can impact who we interview and hire, who we trust, who we see as competent, and who we affiliate with both inside and outside our libraries. It can also impact our collections, programming, services, and policies. You might be asking, if I’m not even aware of these biases, how do I combat them? Well to begin with, understand that we all have these blind spots. We need to do the work to challenge our own thinking. When making decisions, slow down and try to consider all angles of the issue. Be objective. Ask others who think differently than you for their views. Become aware of your biases. The resources below can help you understand and combat your own biases.
I hope you can join us for the next training, Moving from Allyship to Leadership, on January 11 at 10am. Register for Moving from Allyship to Leadership here. Emily Rogers NFLS Inclusive Services Rep Deputy Director, Brown County Library Here are the headlines from the December 8, 2023 📢 Nic News Weekly:
Subscribe to Newsletters from NFLS Florence County Library attracts young patrons & families with interactive Touch2Play system12/5/2023
The Florence County Library recently acquired an interactive Kidzpace Touch2Play Wall system for young visitors to use during the library's Tot Times, after school programs, and every day they are in the library.
Designed for children between ages 2-8, the system's 50-inch screen is mounted to a wall and allows for an interactive experience that promotes fun and learning for groups or children and parents. It's loaded with educational interactive activities, can be used with multiple patrons at the same time, and can also be used to show educational videos for kids. Library Director Stephanie Weber said, "Parents and kids of all ages are amazed by the educational activities and high definition of the Kidzpace!" The Kidzpace Touch2Play Wall system was purchased with a 2023 Improvement and Innovation (I&I) Grant from the Nicolet Federated Library System (NFLS). I&I grant funds are used in the areas of Workforce & Economic Development, Information Technology, and/or Reading Proficiency & Lifelong Learning. QUEST Grant provides support & training needed to work in early childcare field in Wisconsin12/5/2023
Mari Kay-Nabozny, Chief Executive Officer of the Northwest Wisconsin Workforce Investment Board, asked that we help share information out through our library networks about the Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training (QUEST) Grant, which “provides support and training needed to get individuals back to, or, working in the early child care field in Wisconsin.” As libraries are significant institutions for parents pursuing non-traditional educational pathways for kids (like homeschooling), our spaces could be well-primed to reach potential workers that might enhance the Wisconsin childcare economy; the QUEST Grant would support individuals interested in childcare employment opportunities. The ‘blurb’ and generic flyer directly below can be used to share information with your networks. Please spread word about this opportunity and encourage other libraries to do the same.
Read the December 2023 NEWIL News for the latest news for libraries throughout northeast Wisconsin. Topics include:
Subscribe to the NEWIL News Visit the northeast Wisconsin intertype library services page for more information. Here are the headlines from the December 1, 2023 📢 Nic News Weekly:
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