Below are the headlines from the 08/30/2019 - 📣 Nic News Weekly newsletter.
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Below are the headlines from the 08/23/2019 - 📣 Nic News Weekly newsletter.
Source: The Daily News
Below are the headlines from the 08/16/2019 - 📣 Nic News Weekly newsletter.
Below are the headlines from the 08/09/2019 - 📣 Nic News Weekly newsletter.
We all know libraries and their services are supposed to be available to everyone. It’s even in Wisconsin law that public libraries have to be accessible to people with “special needs.” But how can we predict which special needs we need to accommodate? … or which unique combinations of barriers and assets people will need us to address? The Inclusive Services Assessment and Guide for Wisconsin Public Libraries is meant to be your roadmap for these issues. To see what we mean by this, watch this short video about how one library navigated inclusive services. Below are the headlines from the 08/02/2019 - 📣 Nic News Weekly newsletter.
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