Here are the headlines from the December 17, 2021 - 📢 Nic News Weekly:
For people who are registered on, there is new online assistance available to any job seeker or career explorer. Individuals can schedule an online meeting with an Employment & Training Specialist. Meetings could be used to …
The person needs to have access to a computer and a working email address so the Employment & Training Specialist can send the appropriate meeting connection link. Download instructions for scheduling these virtual meetings below.
Here are the headlines from the December 10, 2021 - 📢 Nic News Weekly:
The library also entered the Gingerbread House contest. Library staff made a replica of the library to encourage others to make one as well. Twelve gingerbread houses were entered into the contest (the library received a participation award). (Photos submitted by Joan Denis, Oconto Falls Library)
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